

At FBNBank Ghana, we are committed to growing our people, minimizing our environmental impact, meeting the needs of our customers, and investing in our communities in which we operate.

Our Approach

Our commitment to nation-building largely informs our approach to corporate responsibility and sustainability (CRS) which is three-pronged: citizenship, stakeholder management and impact management. Citizenship and stakeholder management involves considering the needs of stakeholders when making decisions, while impact management is about minimizing our negative impact and increasing our positive inclusive impact on society. It is about creating long-term stakeholder value by adopting the opportunities and managing the associated environmental, social and governance risks. The CR&S approach is contained in the Bank’s corporate responsibility policy. The policy clearly outlines our commitments and approach to corporate responsibility, as well as the Bank’s CR&S governance framework. The policy’s scope and respective guidelines apply to operations and activities throughout the Bank, including our Group Office and its subsidiaries in all locations, stakeholders and associated partners representing the Bank.

The CR&S approach is designed to deliver value in a structured way along four key areas:
Education, Health & Welfare, Financial Inclusion; and Responsible Lending.

Responsibility and Sustainability Report

As we report on material issues regarding Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, our goal is to constantly improve on the reporting process and content.

Education, Health and Welfare

Our community development initiatives are anchored on our strategic Education, Health and Welfare pillars.

Ensuring Economic Stability for the Present and Future Generation.

Our community development initiatives are anchored on our strategic Education, Health and Welfare pillars. Our engagement in sustainable business practices is based on our promise to enhancing economic development and ensure economic stability for the present and future generation.

Our key programmes include Start Performing Acts of Random Kindness (SPARK); and Employee Giving and Volunteering Programme.

Financial Inclusion

FBNBank Ghana is a great advocate in the global movement for gender equality and economic empowerment.

Empowering Women

At FBNBank Ghana, we believe Women’s Inclusion is the process in which women expand and recreate what it is that they can be, do, and accomplish in a circumstance that they were previously denied. Women in Ghana and indeed globally continue to be at a distinct disadvantage to men, whether it be economically, socially, financially, or culturally. With the appropriate structures and guidance, women can achieve so much more. Women’s Economic Empowerment is therefore the ability for women to enjoy their right to control and benefit from resources, assets, income, as well as the ability to manage and improve their economic status and well-being. Women’s inclusion is a simple concept, it means giving women the ability to participate economically, socially, and politically fully and genuinely.

There is a strong business case for enhancing the contribution of women at senior levels to the achievement of organizational objectives. There also exists a strong ethical, public, and humanitarian case for the increased involvement and participation of women.

To further demonstrate the Bank’s commitment to women empowerment, the Board in line with its corporate responsibility & sustainability goals has appointed the Board Risk Management Committee (Committee) at the Board level; as well as the corporate responsibility & sustainability committee headed by the Chief Risk Officer of the Bank to oversee Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability. Women economic empowerment is vital to the agenda of the committees which have a charter that summarizes the functions and expected responsibilities, the committee is empowered to successfully embed and implement CR&S objectives across the bank’s operations and activities.

FBNBank Ghana is a great advocate in the Ghana finance industry in the global movement for gender equality and economic empowerment envisioned through the introduction of a uniquely designed bespoke product by the Bank as a platform to advance the cause of women of all demographics in different sectors of the economy amongst other initiatives.

The growth and success of women-owned businesses is one of the most profound changes taking place in the business world today. Our Bank aligns with this global trend and is demonstrating its support and active participation through innovative empowerment programs it will continue to reel out in support of women development in the medium to long term.


FirstGem is a bespoke solution to foster empowerment of women across the socio-economic strata. FirstGem which has recorded significant milestones is a product that is ideal for all women aged 18 years and above, whether working professionals or entrepreneurs; and it comes in two variants, savings, and current accounts.

The FirstGem initiative is implemented across three pillars:

  • Creation of a FirstGem platform for women.
  • Value proposition for women MSME’s (capacity building, affordable finance, access to infrastructure, market visibility).
  • Strong commitment as a financial institution to support women by leveraging the Bank’s resources in developing unique and mutually rewarding solutions.
  • Benefits of the account includes:

  • Access to leadership programmes/workshops/training on women empowerment
  • Business skills on wealth management and investment plans
  • Access to annual medical and health programmes/events sponsored by the Bank for women among others
  • Empowering women via agent banking is also one of the outcomes of the FirstGem initiative. It brings us much joy to see that more women are embracing this proposition and are getting empowered
  • FBNBank Women Network

    FBNBank Ghana Women Network is aimed at addressing the gender gap at the senior levels and tap the opportunities presented by enabling our women to contribute even more if given the necessary strategic support and an intentionally enabling environment.

    This includes providing a platform that enables women to become more engaged in their workplace, set and achieve goals, have greater influence in their lives and achieve more of their potential. The initiative was launched in 2020 with the under listed pillars:

    1. Career Management: Created to influence and develop women; through several technical and personal development programs and equip and encourage women to continue their pursuit of a career in core banking.
    2. Programme, Events and Networking: responsible for creating intentional plans for exposing more women to networking opportunities through seminars, conferences, and events which will build their confidence to take on higher responsibilities and seeking opportunities for public speaking.
    3. Personal Branding: responsible for Impression Management, improving communication and presentation skills to ensure women are well equipped to compete internally and externally in addition to epitomizing the FirstBank Woman.
    4. Mentoring, Coaching & Sponsorship: To provide mentoring, coaching and sponsorship opportunities; aligning with existing mentoring programs, for increased women specific focus and intentional growth and advancement.
    5. Support & Welfare: To create the required systems through counselling, support, and welfare where necessary; to provide the emotional support needed to advance and attain leadership positions.
    6. Financial Planning & Empowerment: Create Financial education programmes targeted to help women have the right mindset towards achieving financial independence and security in retirement.

    Responsible Lending

    FBNBank Ghana has in place, an environmental, social and governance management systems (ESGMS) encompassing policies and guidelines that ensure all transactions that the Bank is considering funding for include adequate consideration for the environment and communities.

    The Journey of Embedding Sustainability within the Bank

    FBNBank Ghana has put in place environmental, social and governance management systems (ESGMS). This encompasses a policy, a set of guidelines that ensures all transactions that the Bank is considering funding for include adequate provision for actions necessary to prevent, control and mitigate negative impacts on the environment and communities, and to improve environmental quality.

    The ESGMS process is currently being aligned with FirstBank Nigeria’s new credit workflow. The goal is to ensure efficiency through automation as relevant implementation documents such as the environmental, social and governance risks screening checklist (which is to be completed by a relationship manager and verified by analyst against the EIA report) will be fully automated.

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