Salary Overdraft Account (SODA)

The Salary Overdraft Account (SODA) product is designed to assist customers to access some part of their monthly salary to cater for personal commitments in the shortest possible time


  • Maximum facility tenor is 90 days
  • Employer to confirm the bank will receive applicant salary in that month


    • Allows employees to access some part of their monthly salary to cater for personal commitments in the shortest possible time
    • Competitive interest rate

Required Documentation

      • Applicant’s net monthly income should be minimum of GH¢800
      • Applicant should be in full time employment for at least 6 months
      • Applicant should not be more than 55 years
      • Applicant should have a salary account with FBNBank, with at least 6 months’ salary domiciliation
      • New applicant must move their salary account to FBNBank, with at least 2 months’ salary domiciliation in addition to 6 months’ current bank account statement from previous bankers
      • Applicant to submit a copy of his/her Social Security National Insurance Trust fund (SSNIT) card

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