We offer you a variety of savings options that suit every stage of your life with unique benefits designed to match your personal banking needs as they grow. Achieve your savings goals using any of these savings options today.
The FBNBank Savings Account is an account where funds can be deposited at any particular time for safe keeping and withdrawn at will over the counter and through the ATM.
It’s never too early to start planning for your kid’s future. Put your children on their way to financial independence with the KidsFirst savings account.
This account helps teenagers embrace the culture of financial responsibility from a young age while also keeping them positively engaged and entertained. Teenagers between the ages of 13 – 17 learn all about money in fun ways.
The XploreFirst account is a savings account targeted at students between the ages of 16-30 years. It allows them to save towards their future while providing them with the opportunity to access world-class financial services.
The Prestige Savings Account has a combined feature of a savings account and a current account. The account attracts a higher interest rate and has a cheque writing facility.